they say


A Short Sale is the most complex of all residential real estate transactions, so make sure you work with an experienced and knowledgeable short sale real estate team, with a verifiable track record of short sale closing success. Foreclosure Saviour Mitigation Services closes over 95% of our short sale listings, and we set to be the highest volume producers of short sale closings in the country. Our mortgage bank negotiation experience goes back to the mid 1990's. Here are some testimonials from our past short sale clients (selected from the SW Florida region).

Stephen & Cheryl C., Naples, FL
Stephen & Cheryl C., Naples, FL
You Saved Our Family!

We bought our home in 1984, and we had a $349,000 first loan and a $8,000 2nd loan. In early 2008, my legs were bad, so I couldn’t work- my income went down substantially. We started to keep up on our home payments using our savings and credit cards but were getting deeper in debt. So, we tried to sell our home with a local agent. She failed because we never got any offers. It turns out the value of our home had dropped down to about $200,000. The bank filed for foreclosure auction.

A friend of ours told us to call Foreclosure Saviour. They were very understanding of our situation and gave us great comfort as to how a short sale could get us out of our financial problems. The Team handled everything for us, and the whole process. They even stopped the auction three times! We had no were to go. Finally, the short sale closed, and we received $10,000 at closing for relocation assistance for HAFA. We are incredibly happy and living stress free. Thank you Foreclosure Saviour team...

Ruliff & Maureen B., Naples, FL.
Ruliff & Maureen B., Naples, FL.
Heaven Sent!

We heard about short sales from a neighbor and searched around. We found the Foreclosure Saviour team. Their confidence and experience convinced us that this was the best path for us to take at this time of our life. We signed the listing agreement, filled out some other documents, and the Foreclosure Saviour short Sale team took care of the rest. During the process, the Foreclosure Saviour team was able to stop two foreclosure auctions.

They found a qualified buyer for our home, they negotiated extremely hard in a difficult situation with our Credit union, but finally, they agree to issue the short sale approval and close on the deal. We received $10,000 at closing. This transaction got us out of heavy debt burden. And, dealing with the court and Credit union was incredibly stressful, indeed.  After the closing, we were able to use the $10,000 relocation money for a down payment on a new house. My husband finally found a good job, and we are living stress free. We have referred the Foreclosure Saviour Mitigation Services team to our friends and neighbors...

A friend of ours told us to call Foreclosure Saviour. They were very understanding of our situation and gave us great comfort as to how a short sale could get us out of our financial problems. The Team handled everything for us, and the whole process. They even stopped the auction three times! We had no were to go. Finally, the short sale closed, and we received $10,000 at closing for relocation assistance for HAFA. We are incredibly happy and living stress free. Thank you Foreclosure Saviour team...

Steve M., Naples, FL.
Steve M., Naples, FL.
Hip, Hip, Hooray

In 2007, the recession hit the country, my construction tile business was getting no work. Construction sales stopped completely. I went out of business and had to do side work to eat, pay electricity, gas, etc. My mother was a real estate agent, but she said, she could help me because the house was going to foreclosure auction in two weeks. I was going through an exceedingly difficult time. I could not sell the house in time before the auction... Out of the blue, I received a letter from Foreclosure Saviour Mitigation Services (there are no coincidences in God's world).  I called them and they came over to my house with my mother present, they explained everything, and told me they could help. Their realtor was great and with the advice of my mother, I listed the property for sale.

From the beginning, the Foreclosure Saviour Mitigation Services team, went to work. They handled everything, so quickly in order to beat the date of the Foreclosure auction. I was incredibly surprised when they said that were able to stop the foreclosure auction...  It was unbelievable that they did that. The next thing I knew, the deal closed. I owe a great deal to the Foreclosure Saviour team; they were the most honest, hard-working team I have known!  My upmost thanks to Foreclosure Saviour Mitigation team, and I will never hesitate to refer them to others that are in similar situation...

Agnes B., Naples, FL.
Agnes B., Naples, FL.
They Were Terrific!

I did a reverse mortgage with Champions mortgage because my husband was sick and had to be institutionalized. After a few years, I could not afford the taxes, insurance, and HOA dues. I just could not do it anymore. I had to let the home go to foreclosure. I read a letter from the Foreclosure Saviour Mitigation Services explaining how they could help me. They sent me copies of a few of their recent short sale approvals. So, I called them. They came over to the house to discuss the process. 

They were extremely helpful and were not aggressive and their service was free to me. After some thought, I decided to short sale our home with them. They handled everything, even though it was a reverse mortgage. They even stopped the foreclosure auction and got me and extra 5 months in the house. The short sale was approved, and we closed.  Our many thanks to all the folks at Foreclosure Saviour Mitigation Services ...

Maria R., Naples, FL
Maria R., Naples, FL
The Best experience Ever!

I’ve heard lots of horror stories about short sales; if you didn’t get the right person things could go wrong. After trying to modify my home and getting nowhere, I finally decided I had no other options but to short sale my home. This was a difficult decision, and I wanted the best company around. I wanted someone I could trust, who was understanding, knowledgeable and would work around my schedule.

One day, I received a letter in the mail from Foreclosure Saviour. I thought I would hear what they had to say, so their team came over and explained the process. I had a foreclosure auction scheduled. Foreclosure Saviour said they could help me with that. Foreclosure Saviour team were the best, I really appreciated them because they were so patient and explained everything in full, they answered any questions I had throughout the process.

In fact, during negotiations with Bank of America, the foreclosure date was postponed several times and I have to say Foreclosure Saviour team and worked diligently trying to find investors or buyers all the way to the end.  Finally, we found a buyer and we closed. Foreclosure Saviour was able to get us a few thousand dollars to relocate. Thank you, Foreclosure Saviour, for making this transaction as smooth as could be and for a great job done.
For others interested in short sale- I strongly believe that a SHORT SALE is your best possible option if you are dealing with a frustrating mortgage- call Foreclosure Saviour team to get rid of your mortgage debt and relieve the stress that is in your life! 

Foreclosure Saviour fought for this short sale all the way through to the end and I praise them for their hard work and diligence in getting this done. I don’t believe that any other company would have gone as far and as long as they did.  Thank you soo much.

Doug R.  - Ft. Myers, FL.
Doug R. - Ft. Myers, FL.
A Life Saviour!

I heard about Foreclosure Saviour Mitigation Services through the internet and received a mailer. During this time, my neck was severely injured and was coming out of bankruptcy. I called Foreclosure Saviour to see if they could help me as the foreclosure auction would be scheduled soon after the BK discharge. My attorney agreed. Their team was highly informative and answered all our questions and concerns. They totally handled the whole short sale process for me. They got the auction cancelled twice (120 days). The short sale was approved, and the Bank cancelled the auction in order to close the short sale. I got $10,000 relocation assistance at closing. Foreclosure Saviour even helped me move! I strongly recommend Foreclosure Saviour Mitigation Services to handle your short sale...

Linda M., Bonita Springs, FL.
Linda M., Bonita Springs, FL.
A Godsend, really!

Our family was devastated and scared. We refinanced our existing loan into Wells Fargo back in 2007 and pulled money to pay off bills. A couple of years later, the economy went into the tank, and I had some health issues, and our kids got into problems. Now we were stuck with a huge $450,000 loan debt. We looked into to selling the property, but the several realtors told us there was no way. We thought about letting the whole thing go to Foreclosure but we latter learned that the bank could foreclose, then come after us legally to collect the difference of what it sold for at auction. Considered doing a bankruptcy, after the Foreclosure sale. We could not ever imagine how this happened to us.

We heard about Foreclosure Saviour Mitigation from friends that already completed a short sale though them. We met with their short sale team, and they told us that they had great success at conducting short sales with Wells Fargo, so we didn't have to worry about them coming after us. Well, 1 week later, their claim came true. They contacted our lender, presented our case, marketed, and received an offer on our home from a buyer, and within 45 days, they got the short sale approved & closed... and best of all, the short approval from the bank stated, that they agreed to settle our account in full. We learned a very tough lesson, and we thank the Foreclosure Saviour Mitigation team for pulling us out of that financial hole...

Stephen S., Naples, FL.
Stephen S., Naples, FL.
I Was Rescued!

I was sold a bad loan to purchase my rental home in Naples Beach. It was a zero down adjustable-rate mortgage, and the mortgage broker said he could refi me out of the loan in 3 years. Well, 4 years later, I tried to contact him, and learned he was no longer in business. I contacted several other lenders and they told me I could not refinance. So, I got a HELOC, second mortgage with the same lender. I was trapped.

I realized that I no longer owned a home but owned $250,000 in negative debt. I found the Foreclosure Saviour Mitigation Services team on the Internet and met with them to learn about short sales.  It made sense to me, so I signed up. It went pretty smooth, and 3 months later I was out from underneath the 1st and 2nd loan. I am incredibly happy with their results and service. Especially refreshing to see how they stayed on top of things and made the extra efforts to get the deal done.  I very strongly recommend Foreclosure Saviour Mitigation Services ...

Larry M., Ft. Myers, FL.
Larry M., Ft. Myers, FL.
A Perfect Ending To A Difficult Situation!

My income was cut back, and my wife died. I was having an extremely hard time making the mortgage payments on my 3-bedroom home. I talked to some business about getting a short sale. Turns out they were crooks.

A co-worker told me about Foreclosure Saviour Mitigation Services, and I gave them call the next day. They were very friendly and got right to the point as to the advantages and disadvantages of a short sale. I signed up with them, and they handled the whole thing. All I needed to do was give them some documents and fill out some forms and applications which took me about an hour. They marketed the home for sale, found us a great buyer in the neighborhood, negotiated with the first mortgage and the second mortgage banks on my behalf. They even got the foreclosure postpone! After about three months, our short sale was approved and was closed- I received $10,000 at closing for relocation assistance.  I am incredibly happy - cleared my debt...I would highly recommend using Foreclosure Saviour Mitigation Services.

Fabrizio F., Cape Coral, FL.
Fabrizio F., Cape Coral, FL.
A Great Group!

“It was particularly good fortune our being introduced to Foreclosure Saviour Mitigation Services. I am in the construction business. The economy went down and didn't come back for a long time. My income and credit suffered. Couldn't pay my bills and mortgage- just food, utilities, gas, etc. I found a letter in the mail from Foreclosure Saviour Mitigation Services.  I called them and others. After a month, I thought out of all the business I spoke to, I decided on using Foreclosure Saviour Mitigation Services to short sell of my home was the best option.
I didn't think I could do a short sale, because I had declared bankruptcy, and thought I would just wait for the bank to foreclose on the house.  

They guided me throughout the entire process of the short sell and gave not only information but their personal assurance that they had the experience and knowledge to successfully short sell my home. It was difficult because not only did I have a first mortgage, but I had a big judgment. Foreclosure Saviour negotiated all the mortgages and liens. We found a buyer and the bank approved it. Foreclosure Saviour was even able to stop the foreclosure auction 3 times. After about six months, we closed on the short sale.

I found them to be true to their word and their commitment to our case. I would be more than happy to recommend Foreclosure Saviour without any reservations. They wonderful people as I found myself, and my young daughter in stressful situations about worrying during this process. They were right there with me, making sure that whatever happens, we were in this together and that our satisfaction was their primary concern...

Jerry & Pat S., Cape Coral, FL
Jerry & Pat S., Cape Coral, FL
One Tough Short Sale!!

We cannot put into words how much we appreciate everything you all at Foreclosure Saviour have done over the past eleven months and some!  We absolutely hit just about every bump in the road and there were a few times we almost threw in the towel. Throughout the process, they relieved us of all the stress a short sale situation can bring.
The Foreclosure Saviour team was terrific, and their words of encouragement, knowledge on the process and their availability to always take our calls, answer our questions (and we had a lot) and sometimes just let us freak out for a minute kept us hanging in there.  You’re the best there is!

Foreclosure Saviour was able to get the foreclosure auction stopped... I can’t even imagine how they do it!  Thank you so much for never giving up with our bank.  We are convinced that you guys are the best short sale negotiation company out there.  We were starting to feel like our first mortgage Carrington & SunTrust second mortgage just wasn’t going to allow this to happen, you got both banks to do it and we can’t thank you enough!

We appreciate all of the education Foreclosure Saviour team gave us at the start of this process and their extra time and guidance when things got extra tricky.  Most of all, thank you for having a fantastic team that stuck with us for the past 11 months!!! Our gratitude for helping us finally to be finished with this chapter of our lives and being able to move on. great job team!

I could go on and on, but I’ll spare you all.  I do hope you all know how much we appreciate everything you’ve done!  A million times thank you”

Ruliff & Maureen B., Naples, FL.
Ruliff & Maureen B., Naples, FL.
A Wonderful Blessing!

Due to the severe recession that has hit the country, my dental practice was suffering, sales at my business were down by 40%. I just divorced my wife and was forced to let go all of my employees, close my practice and work for another practice as an employee. My commercial building was in foreclosure. I did not know where to turn. I had two children, so I had to also cut back on my personal expenses. I could not sell the building for what I owed, so I decided to short sell. I decided to contact Foreclosure Saviour Mitigation Services. With the help of their hand-picked realtor, I listed the property for sale.

Given my complex financial situation, I needed to make sure that the short sale was going to be handled flawlessly. I was amazed with the Foreclosure Saviour team; they were the most knowledgeable and informative and sensitive to my life's story. To make a long story short, they completed the short sale in 88 days, less than $1 Million dollars in mortgage debts were eliminated, and my other finances were un-affected. I had no Income Tax liability as a result of the short sale. They also cleaned out the building, free of charge!  My hats off to the Foreclosure Saviour Mitigation team, and I have referred them to others that I know...

Alberto & Nelly N., Naples, FL
Alberto & Nelly N., Naples, FL
We Are Very Thankful!

Our lender Bank of America, encouraged us to stretch and buy as much house as we could afford, even without qualifying for it because so many people in the mortgage business were making money. Sounded good at the time, so we did. We put 10% down and got one of those adjustable balloon loans. Several years later, my wife had some financial & health problems and we also had a special needs baby. We had to stop working. We had to cut costs and had to make minimum payments so stay current on the loan payments. The home values started to decline, but our loan balance remained the same as we were only paying the interest only and not the principal. After about 2 years of this, we were upside down by about $175,000. We simply couldn't make ends meet.

We saw an advertisement for short sales. So, we called Foreclosure Saviour Mitigation Services. Their team came to our house and explained all of the pros and cons of a short sale. After our experience with our past lender, we were a little doubtful at first. But after a long conversation with Foreclosure Saviour Mitigation Services team, we were comfortable that we were in good hands. Throughout the process, they guided us from start to finish. They even helped us by stopping the foreclosure auction, twice. The whole process from beginning to end took only about 6 months. We received $10,000 relocation assistance under the HAFA short sale program. They even helped us move! Now, live in an amazingly comfortable 2-bedroom apartment, and enjoying our lives Our deepest gratitude to Foreclosure Saviour Mitigation Services team,

Kent & Robin B. -Naples, FL.
Kent & Robin B. -Naples, FL.
They Went Beyond the Call of Duty!

We bought our first home in Golden gate back in 2004. We thought we had made a good decision, by making a $50,000 down payment. In 2008, my construction business nosedived, and my wife lost her job, and then our loan payments we adjusted higher. We started using our credit cards to survive. It was becoming incredibly stressful, so we called our bank and told them we could not keep up with our mortgage payments. We had no choice, we declared bankruptcy.

We found the Saviour Mitigation Services team. When they met with us, they explained to us that we were able do a short sale, even though we did a bankruptcy.   We agreed to short sell our home with them, and their team did the rest. After 4 months, the short sale closed. We are living in our new home that we paid a cash down payment for because we were saving money during the foreclosure process. We hope there are others that can be helped by the folks at Foreclosure Saviour Mitigation Services. We are glad we worked with them and owe them a lot for what they did for us....

Chris & Kim R, Naples, FL.
Chris & Kim R, Naples, FL.
A Miracle!

My family had some major setbacks for a few years, and we fell behind on our mortgage payments and could catch up to save the house. Using another Company, we tried a loan modification, but they said we didn't qualify, so we were declined for the Loan Modification. During that long process, our mortgage payments became very behind by about 6 months. The Foreclosure Auction sale was scheduled by the 1st Mortgage Bank, and we were afraid we be kicked out by the sheriff...

A friend told me about Foreclosure Saviour Mitigation Services. They were wonderful. They worked extremely hard processing our short sale. They handled all of the communications and negotiations. Finally, they found a buyer for our home within 4 weeks. The short sale was approved, and the Foreclosure auction was cancelled. They set-up the closing after they got the banks to agree with everything. The whole process took about three months. We received $12,000 at closing for relocation assistance... Thanks Foreclosure Saviour Mitigation Services!

Bob & Terri H.  Naples, FL
Bob & Terri H. Naples, FL
They did it!

If you are unfortunately in the need to short sale your house, we would highly recommend Foreclosure Saviour. The people in this office are highly professional, polite, and completely capable in handling a task as tricky as a short sale. During an exceedingly difficult time, they treated us with professionalism and respect. Their whole team worked extremely hard with our bank that held the loan on my property.

Our bank was not easy to deal with and it took longer than usual I think, but they never gave up on us and helped us every step of the way. The mortgage company made it a horrible experience for us, but The Foreclosure Saviour team was able to complete the short sale in our best interest. They were able to stop the foreclosure auction. We even received $10,000 relocation assistance. It has been a particularly good experience.

I would recommend them to anyone that needed this kind of help. Their efficiency and knowledge of exactly what needed to be completed expedited the entire short sale process for us. We are incredibly grateful that we were advised to use Delmarva Home Relief to expedite our Short Sale and would highly recommend them to anyone needing assistance to avoid foreclosure of their home.


Foreclosure Saviour completely takes care of the entire short sale process from A to Z, Start to Finish and you will pay nothing as our services to the property owner are free! 

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+1 800 296 0090

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